How did the Major 8 (Ter Scott, Attainment Rules) Come about?

The Major 8... 

How did this list come about?

You see, I’ve known about this list for years and have come to really study, adapt it and use it on a daily basis in my own life the past several years and more recently in my Life and Legacy Coaching™. To my knowledge, no other coach does anything similar and definitely not with this specific list of eight desires which most people have, it they would admit it and accept this.
I came upon the “original” list years and years ago; so long ago that I forgot where. Then several months ago I was reading in a classic success book and to my delight, there they were, on page 19. They were almost unrecognizable because they had grown in my sight, much like my own children have over the years. Like my own children who now have children, these eight areas of desires (in my life) have also given birth to the offspring of a multitude of thoughts, ideas and realizations.

I introduced my list earlier but I present them here again so you’ll see both the similarities and differences between the two lists.

1.    Perfect Health
2.    Enjoyment of Food
3.    Restful Sleep
4.    Money (enough to spare and share)
5.    Live a life and Leave a Legacy
6.    Sexual Gratification
7.    Wellbeing of Loved Ones
8.    Feeling of Importance and Respect

So that is the list which I wake up to and end my day with and teach in my private coaching, seminars and workshops. Here is the “original list”:

1.    Health and the preservation of life.
2.    Food.
3.    Sleep.
4.    Money and the things money will buy.
5.    Life in the hereafter.
6.    Sexual gratification.
7.    The well-being of our children.
8.    A feeling of importance.

You can see that over time I have adjusted and revised this list; and I want you to know that I’ve done so with great consideration after experiencing living, using and acquiring increase in each area. I do not know just how much consideration Dale Carnegie gave to his list before publishing it in his “How to Win Friends & Influence People” as to what to include or to listing them in any priority but as we continue I will explain why I left them in this order, and why I altered the “title” of each area slightly as we explore each in depth.

Please return to read more because I assure you, you will not get this anywhere else and it will be life changing to say the very least! 


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