
Invite Divine Order Into your Week Every Sunday.

Living the Major 8 is all about living in harmony and balance (in all areas of your life). In this Destiny Move, number five, I share how starting your week with a great Sunday and Monday leads to this. You may want to start with the first Destiny Move .  Welcome to Move Five.  You may have noticed earlier that I use the number seven in how you’ll meditate and elsewhere. One set of seven which everyone is familiar is the set of seven days in the week. Here are seven daily “assignments” for each day. Feel free to mix them around to fit your usual routine for those days. For instance at the beginning of your week you may desire to get your life in order however if you are like the store clerk I chatted with recently who told me that “her weekend starts tomorrow” since she works through Saturday and Sunday, feel free to start your “week” doing Sunday’s assignment when others reading this are doing Wednesday for example. You get the point I’m sure; just be sure that you do...

"It's not your weight, it's what you think about your weight", says Ter Scott in his revolutionary weight program.

Your weight isn’t so much about your “weight” as it is about how and what you “think” about your weight. In Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, she speaks of how we should love ourselves how we are. I believe that when we love ourselves how we are; right now at this very moment and forward, we will do all which is best for our bodies and will naturally start doing the things our own particular body should be treated and therefore, the ideal body weight and shape for us; you and me, will naturally result. She states, “Often what we think of us as the things “wrong” with us are only our expression of our own individuality. This is our uniqueness and what is special about us. Nature never repeats itself. Since time began on this planet, there have never been two snowflakes alike or two raindrops the same.   And every daisy is different from every other daisy. Our fingerprints are different, and we are different. We are meant to be different. When we can accept t...

Ter Scott, The Color Connection Coach™ to add Color to Coaching Spring 2019

I will be including more "color" in my coaching starting Spring of 2019. If you'd like details, please use the contact form on this page.

When feeling blue, add blue to your life to heal.

Am I blue? It's nice for a song but you don't need to stay that way. Add the color blue and watch how you'll soon feel better. 

Heal areas of your body and in your life with the color blue.

The first of the Major 8 is "Health". It is true that when you have your health you really "have it all". I won't go into the Major 8 here but I'm sharing today a little about healing and how to use the color blue to do so.  I'm the Color Connection Coach and if you are here you've either chose this option for this week's color reveal (or you've "stumbled" upon it, browsing the web. If so, I invite you to find out more by reading at the bottom of this article). For you who have chosen your color option for this week, let's get started.  With every new color reveal I share a quick intro because new people are introduced to the Color Connection System™ all of the time, and guess what? Today is a new day and as with this being a “new” color reveal for you, you are also “new” today. So quickly, let me explain a bit about what we are doing here. Every week I choose 3 colored cards from a shuffled deck and offer these 3 for you...

Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Wisdom Byte, "It's a New Day..."

Join us every week for the Wisdom Byte which you made famous!  Ter Scott's Success Quotes Today: Wisdom Byte, "It's a New Day..." : If you want to be wealthy, I highly recommend you read this book. My life is a new gift every morning;  that's why its called...

Senior Source; The ONE Stop Source Site for Seniors!: Healthcare Advocate Promotes Medical Technology in...

Request a free brochure outlining the benefits of European technology in one medical device which helps people heal faster, sleep better and live better.  Senior Source; The ONE Stop Source Site for Seniors!: Healthcare Advocate Promotes Medical Technology in... : Hello, my name is Terry (Ter) Scott. I am first an advocate for consumer’s health and wealth protection. I’m also an agent in the insur...