Heal areas of your body and in your life with the color blue.

The first of the Major 8 is "Health". It is true that when you have your health you really "have it all". I won't go into the Major 8 here but I'm sharing today a little about healing and how to use the color blue to do so. 

I'm the Color Connection Coach and if you are here you've either chose this option for this week's color reveal (or you've "stumbled" upon it, browsing the web. If so, I invite you to find out more by reading at the bottom of this article). For you who have chosen your color option for this week, let's get started. 

With every new color reveal I share a quick intro because new people are introduced to the Color Connection System™ all of the time, and guess what? Today is a new day and as with this being a “new” color reveal for you, you are also “new” today. So quickly, let me explain a bit about what we are doing here.
Every week I choose 3 colored cards from a shuffled deck and offer these 3 for you, the reader to choose one. You’ll learn about this color and continue to learn about it on your own as you become more aware of it as you use it in your daily activities this week.

Also, if this is not your first color reveal, take some time to review how last week’s color was evident in your past 7 days. And, how well did you do in reading your affirmation which you wrote on your 3 x 5 card? Don’t beat yourself up about not doing as well as you wanted, just start again this week.
What new meaning about this color stands out for you? For instance, many times I have chosen a certain color which is all about setting boundaries. For me, I thought I was to set boundaries with other people; and that was more important at times for me to do. Then one week when the color “appeared” again, I was thinking that I needed to revisit setting boundaries with people; that was until I was reading that week and I “happened” to read about setting boundaries… with my time! That was a “new” thought and awareness for me. What new thoughts and awareness will come this week to you when delving deeper into your revealed color?

OK, now we’ll talk about the color option which you’ve chosen.

Your color for this week is BLUE.

Above I shared with you how a certain color seems to come up for me over and over which indicates then that I need to spend more time with it. Well, today in creating the 3 color choices (again, you choose only one of the three and you’ve chosen BLUE which I will get to) I shuffle the cards three times, and yes; that same color came up again! This, of course, could also mean that it is important for some of my readers to revisit the color and work with it more. It is one of today’s color options but it is not your color, as you’ve chosen this one which is BLUE. I will add however that earlier today I was asked what my favorite color was and I stated BLUE. Yes, that could have influenced the card selections just now but in the bigger picture, both the question and card selection together suggest it’s importance in my life right now. For you, it is also important as this is the color option you’ve chosen. Make no mistake; it is your color for this week. Let’s get started.

First, here are “related words” for the color blue; as to it worth, healing, vitality, calming, antiseptic, and relieving. The big purpose of the color blue is that it heals.

You’ve chosen blue perhaps because you are a healer, you need to heal others or you need to be healed.

Are you feeling “sick” or caring for someone who is? Wear blue. Sleep in a room which is blue. Drink from blue glasses (glass; not plastic) and eat from blue plates.

State, “Divine intelligence, I use your blue rays to heal, purify and regerate (name area of body or life)”.

This week you’ll be made aware of areas to heal. If you want ideas on how to heal others, request more details by using the contact form. For you or others, close your eyes and see blue rays covering, cleansing and healing the area(s) which need healing.

Do you have a picture which illustrates the color BLUE which we can use to decorate this article? If so, we’ll give you photo credit and link it to your website. Use our contact form and we’ll reply via email for you to attach your jpg photo and web link.

To cement your actions with the Universe (and help others reading this), leave your comments below. 

If you would like answers to your questions or have comments about the Color Reveal BLUE, please place them below. If you want to know specifically how BLUE can be used in your own life specifically, I suggest that you consider a single Color Reveal Session or other coaching option. For details and fees, please visit here. 

Did you “stumble” upon this article? If so, it’s not by chance; but by choice. Find out why here. 

*PLEASE NOTE: The author is not a doctor or lawyer and is not dispensing medical or legal advice. If you have a need in either area, please seek professional assistance. Also, if and when you purchase a product or service on this page, the author and/or owner of this site may receive remuneration in exchange for researching, compiling and presenting it here.


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