Invite Divine Order Into your Week Every Sunday.

Living the Major 8 is all about living in harmony and balance (in all areas of your life). In this Destiny Move, number five, I share how starting your week with a great Sunday and Monday leads to this. You may want to start with the first Destiny Move

Welcome to Move Five. 

You may have noticed earlier that I use the number seven in how you’ll meditate and elsewhere. One set of seven which everyone is familiar is the set of seven days in the week. Here are seven daily “assignments” for each day. Feel free to mix them around to fit your usual routine for those days. For instance at the beginning of your week you may desire to get your life in order however if you are like the store clerk I chatted with recently who told me that “her weekend starts tomorrow” since she works through Saturday and Sunday, feel free to start your “week” doing Sunday’s assignment when others reading this are doing Wednesday for example. You get the point I’m sure; just be sure that you do each of them every week for achieving a balance in creating the best destiny you desire.

Destiny Move Five is actually seven moves; one for each day of the week.

Sunday is the first day of the week and Monday is the first day of the business week. Sunday is a day of honoring God and honoring the gift of your life and making a plan to live out your life for the week which follows and beyond. Just the mere process of becoming intentionally aware of what you wish to accomplish and making plans using your God-given talents and skills sets you apart from most others.


On Sunday, after you get into your meditation state out loud the following.

In my quiet time today I meditate on the mystery of life, God and His nature, the human soul and my life purpose behind the mystical journey through time and space. I am more aware how I’m a part of the entire Universal and Cosmic Mind. I respond now with faith in the power and with joy and wonder at the miracles that present themselves in my daily life. I act now with this knowledge and power as I go forth to do great things.

Note the words you’ve stated in your meditation respond with faith, power, joy, wonder, and the miracles that present themselves. As you go through your day be acutely aware of how you are feeling. Are you acting in faith and moving forward? Do you feel the power within you? Do you experience joy or see it reflected on the face of a child or in a couple walking hand in hand? These are all indeed miracles which present themselves.

Be aware of these things which happen today and write them down. I like to carry a 3 x 5 card with me to capture things and thoughts in the moment and then record them later in my journal.

Each day’s assignment can be a seminar, book or even a library of knowledge in itself. Imagine for moments that in doing just this Sunday assignment that after say, 52 weeks of Sundays how much better in so many ways you will be.


I’ve mentioned that Monday is usually the start of the business week and in going about your business, regardless of what is and what you call your business, one must be orderly.

Today when you are in your meditative state, say the following.

Today I invoke the law of divine order and harmony in my life. My thoughts and actions are all in accordance with divine order, divine harmony and divine balance.

Then repeat seven times, “Divine order, divine harmony, and divine balance”. Then be silent and let questions, comments and answers come to you. Do not write them down immediately as you may disrupt the flow.

Now open your eyes and write down what you remember from what came to you on your yellow pad. 
Write a few of these things on a 3 x 5 card along with the affirmation “Today I live in Divine order and harmony. I see it in others and me and all around me”. Be sure to look at your card at least three times today.

We will work on days Tuesday through Saturday soon. Thank you for joining me and reading this. If you have been helped by this please say so in the comments and be sure to share this with someone you feel might be uplifted by it.

Dear Reader,

It was no accident that you found this and read it. Please follow these steps for at least seven days and then return and report your results in the comments below so you’ll not only help others but in return you’ll help yourself by “cementing” your reality.

I am very aware that when these articles are offered to people to read, few do. They say things like “I’ll get to it” and getting to “it” never happens. Some will read but for some reason or excuse they do not do the exercises. To these people it is like buying a book and putting it on the shelf. But for those few who read this and act on the exercises, they are the few who “win” in life. You’ve seen these people. They are the ones who others say that they live a charmed life, or that they have it all. Destiny Moves is all about being able to live that charmed life, have it all and still have balance with abundance. I encourage you to start this moment and then place this action on tomorrow morning’s action list and then slowly do what it takes to make this a routine. Doing it now, is the only way you’ll move forward with what you’ve read. I believe you will realize what others think are “miracles”. Tell me about those miracles in the comment area below.

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